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Guideline for Face to Face Consultation

Here are guidelines to remember prior to your clinic visit or face-to-face consultation:

1) Contact the doctor's clinic office or secretary prior to your consultation to book an appointment and confirm the availability of the doctor.

2) Always observe minimum public health standards:
            - Always wear face mask and face shield properly
            - Physical distancing of at least one meter 
            - Avoid crowded or enclosed settings
            - Always wash your hands regularly or use alcohol

3) Prior to entering the clinic or OPD building, there will be temperature checks and screening questionnaire/form for COVID-19.
            - You will be asked if you have been recently tested for                    COVID-19 or been exposed to a confirmed case. 
            - You will also be asked regarding your travel history. 
            - Have you had symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever,                      cough, colds, sore throat, shortness of breath, chest                      pain, loss of smell and taste in the last 14 days.

4) Please be honest in answering the questionnaire and screening form for COVID-19, so that proper precautions may be taken.

5) Please wait patiently to the designated area for your doctor's consultation.  Have a good day. 


Doctor Diagnosis


Room 1408, North Tower – Cathedral Heights Building Complex,

St. Luke’s Medical Center, E. Rodriguez Ave, Quezon City, Philippines 1102

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM
Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays CLOSED

(+632) 8726-8875

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This site and the information contained herein are made available for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. By accessing this site, you understand and acknowledge that there is no physician-patient relationship between you and the author(s). You further acknowledge your understanding that the site should not be used as a substitute for competent medical advice from a licensed physician.

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